I phone vs Android phone


I-phone vs Android phone

I-phone vs Android phone

In this article we will discuss about these features of the I-phone and Android:

Lock style

Time manager



Music player



Contacts management





Lock Style:

The iPhone's TouchID unique mark sensor makes bypassing the irritating lock screen a breeze. Some Android telephones have a comparable component. Other Android telephones have a "Savvy Lock" device that utilizations face acknowledgment or area to sidestep the lock screen, yet it's a less solid choice.

Most loved contacts are spread out much better in Android, astutely spread out as per individuals you call most often. Be that as it may, FaceTime is the iPhone's executioner include.

I-phone vs Android phone

Time showing

Both Android and the iPhone show you when you press the lock button. However, numerous Android telephones improve. Motorola, Samsung and HTC have brilliant covers and sensors that consequently show you when you haul the telephone out of your pocket. Android likewise has a super-faint "dream" clock that stays on while charging on your end table.


There are marvelous Android cameras, and there are dreadful Android cameras. The iPhone's camera is reliably perfect. However overseeing photographs is a vastly improved - and less expensive - - experience on Android. Google Photos gives you limitless free stockpiling.

Apple has at long last started showing lowercase letters on its iPhone console when you're not utilizing capital letters. Yet, Android's stock console is still better compared to Apple's, including swipe motions and - - most essentially - - accentuation on similar screen as the letters.

I-phone vs Android phone


Apple and Google both have incredible application stores. Be that as it may, Android is infinitely better at coordinating applications, allowing you to put significant stuff on the home screens and stow away less helpful applications in the application cabinet. Additionally, Android's gadgets are considerably more valuable than Apple's.

The iPhone's dynamic warnings let you answer from inside the notice without opening the application - something Android needs. Yet, Android allows you to set which warnings are "need," naturally sending them to the first spot on the list (and limiting less significant messages). Clearing Android notices with a solitary swipe is likewise more straightforward.

Music player:

Android has a phenomenal music-playing application in Google Play Music, which offers a great rundown of free, promotion upheld music. Apple has Apple Music, which has no free choice except for incorporates astonishingly well with your iTunes downloads.

I-phone vs Android phone


Android involves Gmail as its fundamental mail application, regardless of what email administration you use. It's really no frills on the off chance that you don't utilize Gmail, yet Android's "material plan" allows you to peruse envelopes or change accounts from any screen with a speedy swipe to one side. Dissimilar to Android, Apple's mail application naturally perceives your Exchange settings, yet it takes significantly more taps to explore.


Google Maps is the best versatile application at any point planned. It's accessible on both the iPhone and Android, however it's just utilized locally on Android. That implies Siri can't utilize Google Maps - just Apple's working on yet at the same time second rate Maps application.


Android's contacts are a lot simpler to explore, and its enormous photographs make it more straightforward to find who you're searching for. The iPhone naturally interfaces with Facebook and other interpersonal organizations to populate your contacts' photographs. Most Android telephones require a different application to do that.

Search is Google's meat and potatoes, however Apple's Spotlight look through more stuff than Google does: email, digital broadcasts, notes, updates, schedule occasions, texts and voice reminders. All things considered, Siri's "proactive inquiry" is restricted: it just surfaces contacts, applications, close by attractions and news. "Google Now" works like a Vulcan mind merge, shockingly looking for flight reservations, sports scores, travel courses and reports before you think about them.


The iPhone has an actual switch. On Android, you need to sign into your telephone, press the volume button, and tap the ringer to set it to vibrate. Some Android applications, notwithstanding, let you naturally set your telephone to vibrate in specific circumstances - when you show up working, for example.


Android's voice "collaborator" types as you talk, and works disconnected. Yet, Siri has a good time character and comprehends normal language undeniably better than Android.


Android's default Messenger application is pretty and completely useful, yet iMessage allows you to send free messages and voice messages to other Apple clients - even from your Mac. Google Hangouts allows you to join messages and Google Hangouts messages in a solitary application, and send them from your PC on the off chance that you have a Google Voice account. Yet, it actually feels like a work underway.



According to the above discussing, I-phone is best than Android phone. 

For I-phone,we give 100%           

For Android phone, we give 85%.

Both I-phone and Android phone are struggling to give their best features to be the No 1 phone of the world. 



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